Maternity - Newborn - Family - Couples - Pets - Equine
A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your booking date with the remaining amount due the day prior to your session.
Prices & packages above are subject to change at anytime without notice if no deposit has been received.
Below is an example of a before & after edit.
The above image show the picture captured in RAW, straight out of camera.
The image below is my Retouched version, the image you will receive!
Once the photoshoot comes to an end, my job is only half way done.
There are many hours of additional work that goes into creating the images you end up with!
Once the SD card makes it way to my computer there is the lengthy process of sorting through hundreds of images, proof editing & proof gallery preparation.
Then once images are selected & favourites are returned I have to prepare final edits & re-upload images to a final gallery.
If clients ordered prints I'm also ordering and preparing images to be printed.
There is a lot of time, effort & love that goes into the art of Photography.
A-lot of that is unseen and can be easily overlooked.